THE LEVELLER and THE LEVELLER BASE PLATE ( DRAGONS' DEN - season 16 Nov 4th, 2021)​​​​
THE LEVELLER and THE LEVELLER BASE PLATE ( DRAGONS' DEN - season 16 Nov 4th, 2021)​​​​
The Leveller is the best solution for adjustable levelling for any posts, steps, decks and patios. It is strong, quick and easy to adjust and level almost any project where the base is uneven, settles, or heaves.
About The Owners
Geoff and Colette Heschel and their three children live in Morse, Saskatchewan, Canada. They own and operate a Boiler, Superheater and agricultural trucking business called GH Well Services Inc. With Geoff having a farming, petroleum sales, and oilfield background and Colette with a degree in Social Work, human resources and management background, they work together to run their current business ventures.
In 2012 Geoff built a deck on his new house. With Morse having such a high water table and heavy gumbo soil conditions, Geoff decided to build an above ground deck that could easily be adjusted should the soil shift. Not liking the appearance, quality or ease of use of any of the products in his local building supplies stores, he decided it would be simpler to build his own. This is how the GH The Leveller was born.
It wasn't until 2016 when the oilfield side of the business slowed down, that Geoff and Colette turned their attentions to The Leveller. With the fact that decks and steps commonly heave and move, and the fact that they are one of the most common built and rebuild projects around, it was a good time to bring The Leveller to market. Upon a clear patent search, Geoff and Colette applied for Canada and U.S.A patents, and are now patent pending in both countries.
The Leveller is manufactured in their 8400 square foot shop in Morse, Saskatchewan. Fabricating, repairing and customizing equipment for the Ag, oilfield, and trucking ventures is an important part of the business. As such, moving to manufacturing seemed like a natural progression. Additionally, The Leveller is manufactured in Oakville, MB
With strong interest, and positive feedback, Geoff and Colette continue to grow The Leveller, hoping to make this simple and easy adjuster widely available.
Western Retail Lumber Association Member (WRLA)
Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership Member (STEP)
Vendor for Castle.ca
Vendor for Timbermart.ca

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See our product "The Leveller" at work
See our product "The Leveller" at work